tk-multi-loader Documentation
Setup and Configuration

tk-multi-loader Documentation

The Loader app makes it easy to load content into your scene.


The loader tries to reduce the amount of file system browsing that artists have to do. It also makes it easy to configure a standard way of bringing content into the scene.

There are three columns - the first one shows Shotgun entities such as Shots or Assets. You can configure this list to contain multiple types of data and each type can be associated with a Shotgun query, for example if you only want to show approved assets in the listing.

The second column lists all the tank publishes for a selected Shot or Asset (or indeed any shotgun entity type). You can specify which Tank Types should show up in the list and if you specify more than one, the content will be grouped into sections.

The third column shows all the versions of a particular publish along with the publish screenshot and a description of the change. Double clicking an item in this list will import it into the scene.

Configuring how content is imported

Content can be imported in many ways, by creating read nodes, by merging the current scene with the selected content or by creating a reference.

All this logic is contained inside a Tank Hook and is therefore completely customizable. We encourage you to have a look at the hook and make sure that is suitable for your pipeline setup.

Multiple Loaders in one session

Note that it is possible to have more than one loader configured for an application - this can be very useful if you want to split up the workflow into distict compontents. For example, you may have a Load Caches and a Load Cameras on the menu, showing completely different data and processing the data differently as it is loaded into the scene.

Setup and Configuration

To see all the various configuration parameters that you can set in order to customize the behaviour of this item, please head over to the settings page.

tk-multi-loader Documentation. This was auto generated on 2013-03-25. Click here for Release Notes.