Configuration Settings
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Optional Settings

Configuration Settings

Below is a summary of all the configuration settings used. These settings need to be defined in the environment file where you want to enable this App or Engine.

Optional Settings

These settings are optional and can be defined at the discretion of the user.


Type: dict

Default Value: {'Shot': []}

Description: Types of Shotgun entities to present in the left-most column in the browser. Typically these are Shots and Assets but could also be Mocap Takes, Elements or custom entities. The value should be organized as a dictionary, where the key is the Entity Type and the value is a list of Shotgun filters that will be used when retrieving the list of items. If no filter is specified, all items will be loaded. For example, if you want to display only shots that are in progress, set the value to: {'Shot': [['sg_status_list', 'is', 'ip']]} Properties from the context can also be used in the shotgun filters. Valid properties are: {context.entity} {context.project} {context.step} {context.task} {context.user} For example, to show all shots belonging to the project in the current context, set the value to: {'Shot' : [[project, is, '{context.project}']]}


Type: list

Description: List of additional shotgun filters to apply to the publish listings. These are in addition to filtering on current entity and any specified tank_types. Context properties can also be used in publish filters. For example, to show all publishes for the user in the current context, set the value to: [['created_by', 'is', '{context.user}']


Type: list

Description: List of Tank Types to include in the publish listings. Leaving the list empty will include all Tank Types.


Type: str

Default Value: Load Objects...

Description: Name to appear on the Tank menu.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(engine_name, file_path, shotgun_data)

Default Value: multi_add_file_to_scene

Description: Called when a file is loaded. The file_path parameter will contain a path to the file on disk to load and the shotgun_data parameter is a dictionary of associated shotgun data.


Type: bool

Description: If enabled, the loader app will display versions in the middle pane and dependent files in the right most pane.


Type: bool

Default Value: True

Description: If set to true, the loader dialog will close automatically once an item has been loaded.

tk-multi-loader Documentation. This was auto generated on 2013-05-10. Click here for Release Notes.