Configuration Settings
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Required Settings
Optional Settings

Configuration Settings

Below is a summary of all the configuration settings used. These settings need to be defined in the environment file where you want to enable this App or Engine.

Required Settings

These settings need to be defined in any environment where this app or engine is being used.


Type: template

Required Template Keys: version

Optional Template Keys: name

Description: A reference to a template which locates a work file on disk.


Type: template

Required Template Keys: version

Optional Template Keys: name

Description: Template used to locate the primary published file within the file system. If None then this must be determined within the publish hook.

Optional Settings

These settings are optional and can be defined at the discretion of the user.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(task, work_template, comment, thumbnail_path, sg_task, progress_cb)

Default Value: primary_publish

Description: Specify the hook that will actually do the publish of the primary task. This hook is passed the primary task that should be published. The hook is responsible for the entire publish process and should ensure to register the publish with Shotgun.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute()

Default Value: post_publish

Description: Specify the hook that will be used to do any post-publish work. Typically, this hook will be responsible for versioning up the scene to the latest version.


Type: str

Default Value: Publish

Description: Specify the name that should be used in menus and the main publish dialog


Type: str

Default Value: Current Work File

Description: This is the name the primary output will be given in the UI


Type: list

Description: No description available!


Type: str

Default Value: work_file

Description: This is the type used to match up items returned from the scan scene hook with with the primary output


Type: config_path

Description: This is the icon used for the primary output in the UI


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(source_path, target_path, task)

Default Value: copy_file

Description: Specify a hook to copy the file 'source_path' to 'target_path'. This hook is used in the 'copy_file' utility function and can be accessed from other hooks by calling self.parent.copy_file(source_path, target_path, task) from within the hook.


Type: tank_type

Description: This is the Tank Type that will be used when registering the primary publish. If not set then this must be determined within the publish hook.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(task, work_template, progress_cb)

Default Value: primary_pre_publish

Description: Specify the hook that will run before the primary publish. This hook can be used to perform any validaiton on the primary task that is passed in to ensure that it is ready to be published.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute()

Default Value: scan_scene_{engine_name}

Description: Specify a hook to scan for items to publish. The hook should return a list dictionaries that represent the items to be published.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute()

Default Value: thumbnail

Description: Specify a hook to pre-generate a thumbnail for the publish.


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(tasks, work_template, comment, thumbnail_path, sg_task, primary_publish_path, progress_cb)

Default Value: secondary_publish_{engine_name}

Description: Specify the hook that will be used to do the publish. This hook is passed a list of secondary tasks that are to be published. The hook is responsible for the entire publish process and should ensure it registers the published files with Shotgun


Type: hook

Hook calling format: def execute(tasks, progress_cb)

Default Value: secondary_pre_publish_{engine_name}

Description: Specify the hook that will run before the publish. This hook can be used to perform any validaiton on the secondary tasks that are passed in to ensure that they are ready to be published.


Type: str

Default Value: Publish and version up the current work file

Description: This is the description of the primary output used in the UI

tk-multi-publish Documentation. This was auto generated on 2013-04-18. Click here for Release Notes.